"One conversation with Jason and it totally changed my outlook on listings and it hasn't reverted to what it was before, like that is gone. I took his advice and I did a video and out of that video, I was able to get 50 leads and from those I got three listing appointments so far. It's been insane."

- Marsha Woodruffe


"Everybody does need some kind of coach or mentor so just have a conversation with you (Jason). That's it. They are going to know 10 to 15 mins in if it's a match or not."

- Ed Fordyce

The Inspired Tribe

"...Jason just made it so comfortable for me to talk to him. And right away, I just felt that trust and then, I would say, I respected the extensive training that Jason had. I know he spent tons and tons of time and money investing in himself. So I felt confident that Jason would give me the tools I need to be successful."

- Toni Schmidt

Life Coach

"I thought I'd be lost. To be honest I was on the fence. But I took the plunge and I haven't regretted it for a moment."

-David Parker

E-commerce | K-9 Trainer

"They should have that initial conversation with Jason and then go from there because they have nothing to lose and everything to gain."

- Dee Henderson Hake

Business Owner

"Jason made me feel like there's going to be time in your business as you are going through a grow spurt, that things will be come chaotic and it's ok. If I didn't have somebody like Jason who was knowledgeable in the business who have been through within themselves experience growth and some sort of chaos, I don't think I would been able to keep going."

- Lakeisha Cunningham

Team Leader

"I love the wholeness of the instruction. It's not just one aspect of digital marketing and it's not just scripts, not just picking and choosing one part of real estate... it's the whole process. I feel much confident now."

- Andrew Chandler


"Jason have a very good way of nailing the point home without being too hard. Jason always guide me in a way that doesn't make me feel like I'm failing."

- Matt Boyles


"Jason's coaching is like a GPS. If you're trying to go from Point A to Point B and you don't know how to get there, you'll put the GPS, and it will calculate you how to get there, how long it's going to get there, where there may be construction where things might slow down, you're notified ahead of time."

- Herb Cunningham


"It's like a total takeover mentality!"

- Abby M

Inside Sales Agent

"Before this...things were a little catty-wompus."

- D Goodwin

Buyer Agent

"This works well for online leads because they see me as a professional."

- Andrew Silverio


"This can help if you're a seasoned veteran or brand new to the business."

- Larry Hughes


"We're in April now and I've already done more deals to date than I did all of last year. "

- Marsha Woodruffe

18 Month Follow-up

"It helps me to transition quicker. When I get thrown something I wasn't expecting the customer to say, I feel like I can just hit that bubble and get to the response. It's right there. "

- Brianita 'BAM' Bishop

New Agent

"One conversation with Jason and it totally changed my outlook on listings and it hasn't reverted to what it was before, like that is gone. I took his advice and I did a video and out of that video, I was able to get 50 leads and from those I got three listing appointments so far. It's been insane."

- Marsha Woodruffe


"Everybody does need some kind of coach or mentor so just have a conversation with you (Jason). That's it. They are going to know 10 to 15 mins in if it's a match or not."

- Ed Fordyce

The Inspired Tribe

"...Jason just made it so comfortable for me to talk to him. And right away, I just felt that trust and then, I would say, I respected the extensive training that Jason had. I know he spent tons and tons of time and money investing in himself. So I felt confident that Jason would give me the tools I need to be successful."

- Toni Schmidt

Life Coach

"I thought I'd be lost. To be honest I was on the fence. But I took the plunge and I haven't regretted it for a moment."

-David Parker

E-commerce | K-9 Trainer

"They should have that initial conversation with Jason and then go from there because they have nothing to lose and everything to gain."

- Dee Henderson Hake

Business Owner

"Jason made me feel like there's going to be time in your business as you are going through a grow spurt, that things will be come chaotic and it's ok. If I didn't have somebody like Jason who was knowledgeable in the business who have been through within themselves experience growth and some sort of chaos, I don't think I would been able to keep going."

- Lakeisha Cunningham

Team Leader

"I love the wholeness of the instruction. It's not just one aspect of digital marketing and it's not just scripts, not just picking and choosing one part of real estate... it's the whole process. I feel much confident now."

- Andrew Chandler


"Jason have a very good way of nailing the point home without being too hard. Jason always guide me in a way that doesn't make me feel like I'm failing."

- Matt Boyles


"Jason's coaching is like a GPS. If you're trying to go from Point A to Point B and you don't know how to get there, you'll put the GPS, and it will calculate you how to get there, how long it's going to get there, where there may be construction where things might slow down, you're notified ahead of time."

- Herb Cunningham

Listing Agent

"It's like a total takeover mentality!."

- Abby M

Inside Sales Agent

"Before this, things were a little catty-wompus."

- D Goodwin

Buyer Agent

"This works well for online leads because they see me as a professional."

- Andrew Silverio


"This will work for the seasoned veteran or if you're brand new to the business."

- Larry Hughes


"We're in April now and I've done more deals to date than I did all last year. "

- Marsha Woodruffe

18 Month Follow-up

"It helps me to transition quicker. When I get thrown something I wasn't expecting the customer to say, I feel like I can just hit that bubble and get to the response. It's right there.


- Brianita 'BAM' Bishop

New Agent

Not Quite Sure If Coaching is For You? Click Here To Watch A Coaching Session With An Actual Client.

Ready to 3X Your Listing Business in 1/2 the Time? Schedule Your FREE  Business Accelerator Strategy Call With Me!

Not Quite Sure If Coaching is For You? Click Here To Watch A Coaching Session With An Actual Client.

Ready to 3X Your Listing Business in 1/2 the Time? Schedule Your FREE  Business Accelerator Strategy Call With Me!


How Can I Help You?

My Name is Jason Morris, and I'm a nationally recognized 150 Million Dollar  Real Estate Producer, Certified Real Estate Mentor,  Sales Trainer, Speaker, and Coach that partners with agents across the country  to help them transition to a listing based business. 


Listen to the latest tips and tricks to generate, nurture, and convert motivated listing leads. 


Want a more hand's on approach? Apply today to see if you have what it takes  to get on this very exclusive list of coaching clients to transform your business and take things to the next level!  


Is up close and personal more your speed? Join us for an event or workshop!  Being able to sit in the same room with people sharing your journey  is a fantastic way to learn.  Check out our schedule for event times and locations!

* All Product Images Are for  IIlustration.  Actual Products are Digital.


Do you want to learn the latest techniques in listing lead generation, followup systems, persuasion dynamics, pricing and presentation strategies, or digital marketing?  Check out the "Listing Expansion Formula"!

How Can I Help You?

My Name is Jason Morris, and I'm a nationally recognized 150 Million Dollar  Real Estate Producer, Certified Real Estate Mentor,  Sales Trainer, Speaker, and Coach that partners with agents across the country  to help them transition to a listing based business. 


Listen to the latest tips and tricks to generate, nurture, and convert motivated listing leads. 


Want a more hand's on approach? Apply today to see if you have what it takes  to get on this very exclusive list of coaching clients to transform your business and take things to the next level!  


Is up close and personal more your speed? Join us for an event or workshop!  Being able to sit in the same room with people sharing your journey  is a fantastic way to learn.  Check out our schedule for event times and locations!

* All Product Images Are for  IIlustration.  Actual Products are Digital.


Do you want to learn the latest techniques in listing lead generation, followup systems, persuasion dynamics, pricing and presentation strategies, or digital marketing?  Check out the "Listing Expansion Formula"!

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